About Us

South Wales luxury watch dealers, established in 2019.
Located in a beautiful historical building in the heart of Cardiff. Our expert team are well-versed in every aspect of the industry, from curating our own private collections and tracking down rare pieces.
The expert team at Players Watches, Cardiff, is adept in every facet of the watch industry. From curating our distinguished collections to sourcing rare gems, we excel in the maintenance and care of both straightforward and intricate timepieces.
Clients of Players Watches span from enthusiasts beginning their journey into the world of timepieces on a modest budget, to renowned figures in sport, business, and culture from South Wales and beyond, eager to harness the complete offerings of the watch market.
Authenticity Guaranteed.
Our dedication to genuine products guarantees that when you choose Players Watches, you are investing in a piece of certified excellence that is as unique and distinguished as our clientele. Rest assured, your choice in Players Watches is a testament to true quality and integrity.